A customer of mine asked me to do an over-dyed silks conversion for her for With Thy Needle & Thread's Mystery Sampler (available as a three-part chart series.) As long as I went to the trouble, I thought I'd share with you the conversion, in case you're interested in stepping it up a notch. Weeks Dye Works colors are on the left -- silk conversion is on the right.
Indian Summer/Rosewood (Gloriana)
Olive/Burnished Gold (Silk N Colours)
Kudzu/Wintered Grass (Silk N Colours)
Cinnabar/Terra Cotta (Gloriana)
Kentucky Bluegrass/Cormorant Gaze (Silk N Colours)
Brick/Potter's Clay (Silk N Colours)
Bark/Slug Bug (Silk N Colours)
Caper/Blackened Grass (Silk N Colours)
Sage/Wheatgrass (Belle Soie)
Light Khaki/Honeysuckle White (Silk N Colours)
Cappuccino/Angel Blush (Belle Soie)
Guacamole/Chartreuse (Silk N Colours)
Straw/Honey Bronze (Gloriana)
Confederate Grey/Concrete Meadow (Silk N Colours)
Dove/Forest Ash (Silk N Colours)
Thanks Theresa! I haven't started stitching this one yet but have all 3 charts. Now I can start saving for all the necessary silks.
I am doing this one in silks...some of the colors I have are different. I will take a look at these and perhaps change mine up a bit. I am doing cardnals versus the blue birds in the tree for sure...doing this on a FOM from you - I LL Lentil. Absolutely a wonderful stitch thus far!! Thanks for doing the conversion :0)
Beautiful sampler!
Beertje Zonn
Thanks for doing this and for sharing with everyone. I love the look and working with the silks, however the budge does not always allow. It's great to have the option.
oh very beautiful !
have a good day
marylin France
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