Any parent of small children knows how tempting it is to take pictures of the little ones sleeping. They look so sweet, so quiet, so innocent. Here's my little Boo taking a nap in my felting supplies on Christmas. Awwww...

I just finished my first Make Do kit for 2010, and wanted to share a picture of it here, first. The kit will come with a light rose colored linen, hand-dyed silks and cottons, and the graph. The Make-Do part of it, is you have to find a button or charm to put in the lower right corner. Each kit will be "missing" one part, and you have to go through your stash to "make do." You can sign up to get these as they come out -- they will be limited edition kits and only available through my shop.
I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year's Eve and 2010. We're pretty laid back, so we'll most likely watch a movie or two together, eat a good meal, and just enjoy each other. Hope there's much of the same in store for you!