I forgot to include a picture of my latest sampler acquisition! I bought this one from the same gentleman in England who sold me Mary Bate's sampler. He had found three samplers at an auction, and since I bought Mary's, he gave me a deal on Jane Pattison's.
This one has a wonderful Christmasy feeling to it with the mossy greens and deep rosy reds. The flower on the bottom right isn't missing -- it's stitched in cream and beige. I'm thinking I may chart that flower so it kind of matches the flower on the left, but include a conversion to the original. I LOVE THE COLORS! And the border is soooo interesting. Not only is it comprised of pine boughs, BUT there are motifs OUTSIDE the border!!! I am assuming Miss Jane had space left and wanted to practice some other motifs. Whattagirl.
The piece is stitched in wools on a 28-30 count loosely-woven linen. The size of the original is approximately 15 by 21. Jane was 13 when she finished the sampler on August 31, 1806.
What do you think of this one?
It's beautiful, as always. I like the ivory flower.
Absolutely gorgeous! Add me to the list of buyers for this one when you release it. LOVE IT!!!!
Very interesting! I like the idea of having the alternate color scheme for the one flower. I like balance, so I would probably want them to match, but who knows!
Good luck with the new babies.
I also want to stitch this one once you've got it charted. Great, great Christmasy feel to it - to be released this fall??? Would be great for some holiday stitching - fun, fun. Ah, so many in line.
That indeed is a beauty! And I want to go sledding after seeing it...well actually I'm dreaming of snow whilst I sweat in this sweltering cesspool we call summer....
What a beauty -- but stop already -- my to be stitched basket is too full already. So much to stitch, not enough hours. ;-) !!!
Love it and you are right about the border. Love that she literally thought outside the box.
I love it! I think I like the beige flower. It seems she may have ran out of floss and wanted to get it finished or she was down to finishing and never did.. Makes me wonder.. That is why I love samplers.
I love it. Am going to move it to the top of my list as soon as you release it. I love the outside the box motifs.
Theresa, that one is magnificent! I look forward to you redoing this one a lot! I too like the beige flower.
Love the pine bough border and colors. I would definitely want to stitch this sampler. Blessings from Kentucky - kelley
Love it!!!! It will be a wonderful day when you announce the pattern is ready to purchase :)
I really love this one. The colors are beautiful.
Why do you keep doing this to ME???
Sign me up. *sigh*
I love it! I like the ivory flower.
I really like this one Theresa especially the border with the 'fir boughs'. I might be able to get to stitching about 2016! You keep me adding things to the wish list LOL. I love anything red & green.
Oooooh, I love it!
stunning - I like this one more than Mary, I think...
Can't wait for this one too - did you get the third?
Oooh, I love the colours in this one! I'll be eagerly waiting for the reproduction.
I came across a lovely sampler dated 1833 in an antique shop we visited during our lakeside vacation. The linen was torn in several places but I loved it just the same. I've posted some pics on my blog.
Just FYI, I did not get the third sampler from the coin seller -- it was a King George Commemorative sampler, and although it was neat historically, it wasn't something I'd stitch (it was mainly words).
These samplers that you are acquiring are inspiring. Can't believe young girls stitched such large pieces. Truly admirable!
Oh my gosh....I love this one. I can't wait for you to get it charted. I can hardly wait!
Oh, I think this is a wonderful sampler.
Because I worked with colors all my life, I would optimize the colors on this special work to intense the feeling.
Gruß von Anja (Germany)
I love this one! I wonder if she stitched her flowers that way on purpose. Possibly a link to her family's sentiments going back to the wars of the Roses- red and white the roses of the houses of Lancaster and York? I'd love to stitch this one!! Nancy D. Hedghogmom@aol.com
Love, love, love! You have exquisite taste! Can't wait to add this to my "wall of fame." thanks!!
Sharon in Michigan
Great find - just beautiful.
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