I am exhausted! You people have no idea how much work it is getting ready for market, and I am so much more than pleased to do it for you. The previous eight weeks or so have been almost nothing but needlework...designing, stitching, framing, graphing, printing, packing, kitting. And I had eight new designs (between Shakespeare's Peddler and Raise the Roof Designs) and a t-shirt project (see below.) I missed having Sue along with me this time, but Harrison stepped in and stepped up to the challenge, packing orders like a pro.
And the cool thing about having Harrison there (see him above in his nifty Jenny Bean T-shirt), was that he got to see first-hand what I do when I go away twice a year. And the distributors and other designers said, "Your mom is so awesome," and "Did you have any idea how hard she works?" and "Your mom is super-talented." It made me feel good, and Harrison was proud enough that when we got back home, I got a big hug.
I just finished updating my web site's Theresa's Basket section with almost 100 new things that I brought back with me. Others are forth-coming. Since I wasn't able to start leaving the booth until later on Saturday, I missed some items that were really popular.
I also have a few other designers who have been invited to join in on the Jenny Bean & Friends club...won't post names until I know for sure, but they all gave me a tentative "yes." Lizzie Kate, SamSarah Designs, Primitive Needle and Chessie & Me all said their Jenny Bean Friends charts did well, and there are other samplers already planned in the series.
I want to give a huge thanks to all of you who attended market...shops, designers, distributors and the like. It's wonderful to see everyone, and the weekend always goes by so quickly. TNNA has asked me to teach at the Nashville show, which ought to be cool. I'm not going to even think about designing stuff for that and my retreats next year until ... oh, gosh, I don't know when. I can't even think straight anymore.
I am not needleworked-out, but I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend at home with a cat on my lap (while I nap? Please, while I nap!)