What I like about it: the double-sided border (different inside and outside); PURPLE elements; the sheep (which are done in cross over four, I think, or Smyrna cross); the little house scene with a canopy of sky over-top; birds, squirrels and doggies; the tulip border (inside), the leafy cartouche around the young stitcher's name and date (and other things, of course.)
It's big -- about 22 by 25 inches, and I think the fabric is quite fine. There are numerous holes and even adhesive marks around some of the holes (looks like bug damage here and there.)
I am always on the look out for samplers with something "different" about them. This has a number of those elements, and looks like it would be a lot of fun to stitch. But is this something that has broad appeal (or appeals just to me?) If I buy it, it would be to reproduce it (and then of course hang it up and enjoy it.) Let me know what you think. I'm trying to make up my mind.
I'll leave you with the verse:
'A CONTEMPLATION ON NIGHT.''When the pure soul is from the body flown,
No more shall Night's alternate reign be known;
The sun no more shall rolling light bestow,
But from the Almighty streams of glory flow.
Oh! May some nobler thought my soul employ,
Than empty, transient, sublunary joy.
The stars shall drop, the sun shall lose his flame,
But thou, O God: for ever shine the same.'
I really like this sampler! I like it for one of the reasons you do - it's "uniqueness"; but there are so many things on here to like. Even the verse, well it is a bit dire, but still in keeping with the time it was stitched. I will definitely buy this chart from you once you completed it!
Well, you haven't really listed any reasons for NOT buying it, so it seems it should be headed for your home.
Carol S.
I LOVE IT! Would definately be added to my "to do" list. Size doesn't trouble me...I enjoy the larger samplers!
Winner! Can I get an "Amen"?
-Holly in VA
Stunning! I love it. Love the verse too.
i love it and the boarder is great. very unique. i love the verse too
I love this one! Would definitely stitch it! What a beauty!
I love this sampler, too. Specific things include the border, as you mentioned, which is quite nice in that it is different than any other I've seen, the fruit baskets, trees (those two in the middle remind me of oak trees), beautiful sheep and the landscape with house. It's a nicely balanced sampler with beautiful colors. I even like the verse! I cast my vote as YES!! Hugs from Kentucky - kelley
I love this one and definitely think you should reproduce it for us.
I like it for the same reasons you've stated. Yes... you should purchase it and reproduce it and I'll purchase the chart.
I love the sampler b/c it is a little bit different!
Hey "T"... You know you're asking the wrong group of gals to talk you out of it! {{giggle}}
Honestly...Next to "Ann Dale" I think this piece is one of the prettiest you've shown us! Love it!
This is definitely a keeper!
I'd keep it if I were you and reproduce it. I like the border, too, and also the sheep.
T, it's a beauty! Follow your gut instinct and we'll all be dreaming about it until it's ready :-)
How soon can you have it reproduce and ready for us to purchase!?!! lol It's beautiful!
Go ahead and purchase this sampler!! If you don't get it now, you will regret it later. I specifically love the tulip border just above the verse. Also, I am in enchanted with the simple pine trees in the upper corners. These motifs could be used in many ways other that just here. I'd love to stitch this large sampler if you reproduce it. I'm already counting the dimes in my wallet to purchase the chart!! Adele
I LOVE it and would definitely stitch it. It is so different and yes,very English both in its delicate colours and its motifs/scenes. (I particularly like the woolly sheep!)
An Englishwoman abroad (aka Sue in Normandy)
That would immediately make my Must But list! The scene is lovely and the layout is too. Love the borders! Please buy and chart this one! Nancy Hedghogmom@aol.com
I absolutely love the verse, the border is stunning and very unique. I think from the comments above, this is a definate win...you sure are cranking out some "Absolutely Must Haves" lately... I like the flowers at the bottom corners, the border, the little design around the stitchers name. The way the house is encapsulated by the sky and animals is cool! When will it arrive and how long until it's a chart for our purchase??? LOL!
I think it's gorgeous!!
It's beautiful! And it looks unusual, it's a "yes" from me :-)
What are you waiting for?
It's gorgeous and I love big samplers!
I need to have a copy on my wall.
Please buy it and reproduce it for us.
It is marvelous and I love big samplers too!
Barbara H.
DO IT!!!
Thumbs up from me :) Love the balance of elements and colour, love the border and really, really love the verse!!!
Liz x
Count me in! It has an almost 'stormy' look to it. :) I love the verse. It's a must have!
LOVE it! Please do chart it. I will definitely purchase even if I don't stitch it....please share! All of the elements are so appealing, including the verse!
I would love to see you reproduce this sampler. Love the border and all the motifs - love everything! Hope our remarks are helping you to justify buying it! lol
Oh, please buy and reproduce it. I love it!!!!!!
this is a beautiful sampler. I would love to stitch it. I love the verse morbid though that is. I think it would be a change to do such a large sampler and dont see that as a problem.
When can I order!
If I were concerned about the size I would simmply leave the border off - beautiful as it is. Why not chart as Ann Dale - whole and in parts?
Please buy it and chart it. I want to stitch it.
Love this! It's really different, at least in my opinion. Lovely border especially, and fun colors!
It's gorgeous. I would consider stitching it
Well, if you were looking for a group of enablers, you came to the right place! I think it is very pretty and I agree that if you do not get it, you will regret it. Would I personally stitch it? I honestly have no idea.
This is such an elegant, beautiful sampler. The picture doesn't quite show its' flaws, but the flaws would never show on a reproduction (hint, hint)! It would be an enormous project, but well worth it, I think.
Kellie Cales
What a find, how lucky you are. I would love to stitch this sampler. I am always on the look out for unique reproductions. I don't think I have ever seen let a lone stitched a sampler with a double outside border like this one.
All I would suggest is if you reproduce it don't change a thing on the sampler. This is diffently one that should be preserved in its original design.
Thanks for asking our input, I think you have a winner here.
Ohhh !
The Sampler is great. If you would reproduce it, I would buy the chart at once.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
It's just beautiful!!!!.... I'd love to buy the chart!
I agree; it is a definite keeper...you could break down some of the elements into smaller samplers like you have done with a few others. I love its uniqueness as well!
You had me at sheep and doggies! Count me in.
I like everything except the lawn in front of the house it makes the sampler that is so delicate look heavy
I really like this sampler, I love the verse, it is different. I would definitely purchase this to stitch. Melinda
Lots of appeal here! I love the sheep and the verse and double sided border!! Definitely a keeper!
Sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I have been busy. I thought about buying this sampler as well, but kept putting it off, due to moving and finding the time. I can't wait for you to reproduce this beauty and will look forward to seeing it charted and ready to stitch.
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