I leave for market on Friday morning, and am making good headway, thanks to a visit from my mom who dutifully helped me pack orders, kits and charts for a few days here in Hattiesburg. I have lots more to do this week, but I thought I'd show you another one of my market pieces. This is the Antique Locks and Keys Sampler, and is available as a graph AND as a kit with the Picture This Plus 36 ct. linen and Belle Soie (but I've only made about 85 of those...tell your local shop owner to stop by early!)
I finished mine as a heavy-bottom pillow (stuffing in the top -- crushed walnut shells in the bottom, so it sits up.) And I hand-stitched a piece of antique lace on the front, just for fun (the lace does not come in the kit.) This goes with my whole key theme I've got going on at market -- you'll find other pieces with keys, and I'll be selling antique skeleton keys at market, too.
Wish me luck -- I'm working if I'm awake these days. But it's fun work.
That is really cute!! I had a skeleton key collection when I was a kid - lost it somewhere over the years though... :(
Keys are cute.
Have a safe journey and sell lots!
love the keys!! it's a great new direction and something so different!
Very cute! I may have to do this one and set in on my mantel next to my little collection of keys!
Great design Theresa! I think I need this kit and Jane of course is stunning
I love this design. Beautiful.
Lovely your key pillow!
Bear regards,
Beertje Zonn
Love this key project. It would be cute out with a few keys around it. Great idea.
I am so glad you have work/job that is fun. What could be better??
Have a blessed day.
I'm so excited to have found this blog! I used to go to your shop when you were in Fargo!! I moved away before you did! I often check your website, but am so happy you have a blog, too. It's being added to my favorites so I can check in often! Can't wait till the kids go to sleep tonight so I can read all the posts I've missed!
Love this design!!!
just ordered keyes! it is an awesome design!!!
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