The boys are definitely getting bigger -- scampering, pouncing, stalking, and eating solid food (except for Lucky -- I can't get him to give up that bottle.) Ruby, who is about 15 months old, has taken to mothering all three boys, giving them baths (holding them down to do so), watching over them, and now napping with them. It's very sweet to see her maternal instincts.
I have found it's easiest to photograph the kittens when they're sleeping, because otherwise I just get photographs of blurry orange fur. Plus, what is it about sleeping kids/animals that just makes you love them so much? (Probably the fact they're not spilling Kool-Aid on the sofa or pooping in your shoe.)
Dusty is the most laid-back of the three cats. He's going to be a big guy, and has lots of grey hairs in with his orange (so he's kind of silver and gold.)
We've all taken to these three boys and are having so much fun borrowing them for a while. Graham and Harrison's friends like the kittens, too. In a few weeks, it will be strange to come home and not find them there. They are getting the best care and attention -- what spoiled, lucky cats. And now that we've learned how to help a little litter of kittens, we can help Southern Pines Animal Shelter with other kittens who need love and a place to crash for a few weeks.
They are soooooo cute !!
What a great job you're doing with these adorable furballs - they're gorgeous!
They're adorable! You're doing a fantastic job and I hope they all find homes as wonderful as yours.
Oh they are just gorgeous, all of them. The glossy shine on black puss Ruby is amazing - she's beautiful.
They are all so lovely , I'd rehome them all if I could. XXX
Oh gosh, they are adorable. Please post more kitty photos!! What a nice kitty Ruby is.
Bless your family for fostering these babies and those to come! LOVE all the pictures too :)
I just love orange kitties!
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