Scraps' adoption fell through. I haven't heard the whole story yet, but the owners said he had some kind of eye condition that they are unable to accommodate. So, he's back up for adoption. He is such a gentle, loving and sweet thing, and he's been through so much. I hope we are able to find him a home again soon. Keep him in your thoughts.
And, I've had people asking about the Fine Lines Magazine issues that Hannah Pepper is in. The issues are Summer 2002, Fall 2002 and Winter 2003. The magazine lists this as a four-part series, but the fourth article (Spring 2003) is an article about how to make a hand-painted frame for the sampler. This article is very interesting (techniques are by Catherine Campbell of Primitive Traditions), but it is not essential if you want to stitch the sampler.
You can sometimes find Fine Lines Magazine on eBay. It was a fantastic sampler-themed magazine with articles, charts and techniques and NO ADVERTISEMENTS. If you love samplers, but don't have a collection of these, I recommend them whole-heartedly.
Also, here are the verses on the sampler, since some have asked:
LORD I will not let thee go
Till the blessing thou bestow
Hear my Advocate divine
Lo to his my fruit I join
Join to his it cannot fail
Bless me for I will prevail
AWAKE my soul and with the sun Thy daily stage of duty run
Shake off dull sloth and early rise To Pay the morning sacrafice
Redeem thy mispent moments past And live this day as if the last
Thy talents to improve take care For the great day thyself prepare
And, now I'm on Pinterest -- you'll find me at http://pinterest.com/xspeddler/. It's kind of a fun way to keep track of all those little things online that are inspirational and helpful.
Now...go have a wonderful day!
Oh, I do hope that pretty white kitty finds a forever home.
Thanks for the information on the Hannah Pepper issues. I hope I can find some copies out there, it is a gorgeous sampler!
Aw, poor kitty! I hope someone comes along soon who is willing to work with whatever this eye problem might be.
Scraps is such a lovely cat, I hope he finds a loving home very soon. The photo makes me want to reach out and stroke him.
He is such a beautiful cat...poor little thing!
Thank you for the information on the Hannah Pepper Sampler. Will look out for issues on ebay :)
Thanks Theresa and have a wonderful weekend!
I hope Scraps finds a new home soon - he looks adorable! All the best.
Fine Lines also did "re printings" which are essentially color copies. These are also sold on Ebay. So if you buy an issue of Fine Lines from there you may be buying a re-print, or you may be buying a copy someone made and is selling. You're basically going to have to rely on the honesty of the seller.
I own a complete set of Fine Lines with only a few re-prints. They are worth every single penny.
Oh sweet Scraps, hoping that he finds a wonderful lasting home :)
I saw a glimpse of Hannah Pepper, and it is gorgeous...the colors are just fab!
Post Script: I stopped by the shelter today and found out Scraps will eventually go blind, due to a genetic issue. It is most likely unpreventable, but he is still a very sweet cat. We are confident he will find a new home.
Oh no, so sorry to hear that Scraps adoption fell through. Hopefully, someone will give him a loving home soon! I love pinterest, I just started following you.
If my DH would allow more pets in the house, I'd take that kitty in a heartbeat! He's a real sweetie and I hope they can place him soon.
Just so everyone knows, Scraps was adopted and returned again, but now he is in a new home in Florida -- he was adopted by someone who knows his special needs, and he is going to have a great life!
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