Went to the pet store the other day to get something for our one remaining goldfish. And of course they always have cats and kittens for adoption from the local rescue groups. How could you not fall in love with this little face? Steve and I brought her home last night. She's 10 weeks old, and her given name was Sugar. We're still deciding on names -- might call her Shug (like the first syllable of Sugar, but with a southern accent), Lucy, and now I'm looking at her, and maybe she's a Georgia (she IS on my mind!)
She has a very sweet personality -- curious and calm, brave and snuggly. She's sleeping on my lap right now -- I am going to bring her in with me to the shop for a while, because Kitty is completely bent out of shape about this new little girl. Our big lab, Bea, thinks she's just fine. (Sigh, she thought, another cat.) Needless to say, didn't stitch a lick last night.
Awe, she is so sweet! Enjoy your new baby! :)
What a cutie pie. We foster pregnant mother cats and their babies for our local shelter and she reminds me of one from our last litter. Good luck!! She looks like a Shug to me.
What a sweetheart! I have been debating getting a second cat - I've been concerned about how our current cat would react to anther cat in her territory. Nothing like the antics of a kitten!
Absolutely precious! Congrats! There's nothing better than sitting curled up with your favorite blanket, stitching, tv shows and CATS!!!I just took in my 7th. She's about 5 and almost died...BUT all is fine and everone gets along :)
Oh, what a cutie!! My doggy loves kitties, but husband is allergic...otherwise I'd get a cat in a heart beat!
Oh, she's adorable, thank goodness she found a good home.
cute! definitely a Lucy. :)
What a beautiful kitty! I don't blame you at all. I couldn't resist that face either. Just ask our million cats!
How cute!
Hi Theresa - she is very cute! She's a classic tabby, but has much the same face as my one year old mackeral tabby kitty! I'm so glad you gave her a home - she'll be so loving, I'm sure!
Tedra, Phoenix, AZ
Bless you for taking her home! Anyplace is more homelike and comfortable when you share it with a small furry life -- if not several small furry lives.
We're wholly owned and operated for the express comfort of two dogs and three cats, and we wouldn't change it. Of course, the manufacturers of lint and hair removers wouldn't change it either.
She is pretty - looks like my once-upon-a-time precious kitty named Tigger.
so cute. we have dogs because my daughter is allergic so wer can't have cats but she is cute
I like Shadow for her. Or how about Graybelle.
We're still torn on the whole name thing -- Graham and I kind of like Lucy. Steve and I kind of like Boo (since we got her Halloween week.) I think she may be Lucy Boo, and then we can all call her what we want! She is doing great, and Kitty is relaxing a little bit...
Maybe she's a Jenny Bean
I had actually asked Steve about calling her Jelly Bean, which would be a really cute cat name. I'm not sure what Jenny Bean would think if I named a crazy little cat after her! HA!
She's beautiful! What a cute little furry girl.
I like Shug! I brought home two new kittens a month ago after swearing for years I would never have another kitten. I actually think having 2 is easier than having one - they chew on each other instead of everything else. They make stitching difficult - they love my scissor fob!
Oh so cute - my dd Teresa loves Lucy Boo! Shame I'm allergic to cats :o(
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